
Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Kowahi and Nga Ringa's Experiment

WALT: explore what happens when dishwashing liquid, milk and food colouring are mixed.

We put milk into a bowl and then we got food colouring and put that around the bowl.

Then we put dishwasing liquid into the bowl and watched what happened.
The colours in some bowls mixed together because some people mixed the dishwashing liqiud in,  some colors zoomed away from the diswashing liquid like an explosion.


  1. Talofa Lava! Room 9 has seen the video several times and found it quite interesting. They have requested me that they would like to try this experiment out and see the different colour reaction. Well done you amazing guys!

  2. Kia ora this is Polini. Your experiment reminded me of the volcano I created in room 3 and I liked your detail you added to your experiment and it looks exciting.

  3. Kia ora my name is Tangi ke.
    Your experiment reminded me of
    the volcano we created last year with Mrs Goundar and our teacher aide Caroline.

  4. KIA ORA my name is Tutei from Glen Innes School. I like your experiment and it looks very cool and interesting.

  5. Kia ora This is Irene from Room 9 Glen Innes School. I like your experiment because it is awesome and good
    and your story is awesome too.

  6. hello this is mahina from room9 @ glen innes school i like your guys
    experiment and it looks good and nice.
